2023-07-12 19:07:51

1.蒸汽锅炉的压火操作步骤 (1)降低锅炉负荷,根据停炉时间的长短,把煤层加厚,厚度一般不超过200毫米,适当加快炉排速度 (2)加厚煤层至距离挡渣器1毫米左右,停止炉排转动,停止鼓、引风机运作,关小分段送风的调节板挡和烟道挡板至适量,依靠自然通风维持煤的微弱燃烧,进行排污,将锅炉水位上升到高允许水位。

如果炉火燃尽煤闸板,可再次开动炉排,将燃煤往后移动一段距离 (3)如锅炉需要恢复运行,只要开启引、鼓风机,调整烟、风挡板和分段风室调节挡板的开度,待蒸汽锅炉燃烧正常时调整煤层厚度,开动炉排,即可恢复运行。

2.蒸汽锅炉使用的注意事项 (1)开机前检查电源、电压、水源是否有异常情况,关闭排污阀开启供水阀、检查水泵是否卡死,若水泵卡死,拆下风叶后盖,转动电机轴至灵活状态即可开机 (2)当检修蒸汽锅炉或者更换配件时,请切断电源以免带电工作造成危险。

(3)电控箱、水泵电机等部位应避免受潮进水,以防烧毁,锅炉应注意保持清洁 (4)按照有关蒸汽锅炉水质要求,在使用本设备时请务必安装软水器,因为不使用软水器会造成锅炉结垢,严重时会造成爆管,减短锅炉寿命。

(5)在使用时请注意排污每天至少排放一次并且带0.1MPa到0.15MPa之间的压力排放,可以防止管道堵塞,排污管应妥善连接,谨防烫伤中译英: 1 Steam boiler pressure fire operation steps。

(1) To reduce boiler load, according to the shutdown time, the coal seam thickness of thick, generally not more than 200 mm, appropriate to speed up grate velocity.

(2) Thick coal seam to distance slag stopper of about 1 mm, stop grate rotates, stop drum, induced draft fan operation, close small sectional air regulating plate retaining and flue baffle to right amount, rely on natural ventilation to maintain the weak coal combustion, pollution, the boiler water level rises to a maximum allowed level. If the fire burn coal gate, can actuate the grate coal again, moving back a short distance.

(3) If the boiler need recovery operation, as long as the opening lead, blower, adjust the smoke, the wind baffle and zoned-air chambers regulating baffle opening, the steam boiler combustion adjustment of normal when the thickness of coal seam, to actuate the grate, to resume operation.

2 Matters needing attention in the use of steam boiler (1) Pre start checks power, voltage, water whether an abnormality, close the drain valve open the water supply valve, check the death card, if the water pump blocked, remove the wind blade cover, rotary motor shaft to the flexible state can boot.

(2) When overhauling the steam boiler or replacement parts, please cut off the power supply to avoid dangerous live working.

(3) Electronic control box, water pump motor parts should avoid dampness inlet, to prevent burning, boiler should pay attention to cleanliness.

(4) According to the steam boiler water quality requirements, in the use of this equipment must be installed water softener, because do not use softener will cause the boiler scaling, serious when can cause detonation tube, shorten the service life of the boiler.

(5) When in use, please pay attention to pollution. Every day at least emissions once and take 0.1MPa to 0.15MPa between pressure discharge, can prevent clogging the pipe, drain pipe should be properly connected, beware of scald.

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